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演唱歌手:YOASOBI 时间:2024-04-16 浏览:
歌曲时长:03:19 所属专辑:E-SIDE 3 歌曲发行时间:2024-04-12


Adventure - YOASOBI (ヨアソビ) Composed by:Ayase/Konnie Aoki I leap out of the same routine I'm living day by day 我摆脱日复一日 枯燥乏味的生活 To that astounding stage with all adventures waiting 迈向那令人惊奇的舞台 等待我们去探险 My eyes are set on this globe we can see it rotate 我的眼睛注视着这不停旋转的地球仪 And then "hello" we'll say 然后我们会互相问候 A special day is a heartbeat away 特别的日子近在咫尺 Greenery shining view 绿意盎然 As a brand-new season has begun 焕然一新的季节悄然而至 There was me staring at that blue light tone 我独自一人 凝视着那蓝色光芒 And I don't even know all their faces 我身边皆是素未谋面 Not yet friends but classmates only 连朋友都算不上的同班同学 It's nothing near what life should be 生活根本不应该是这样 Contrast with that 与我脑海中憧憬的 Ideal I had imagined in my mind as 理想生活截然不同 Days unfold and pass me by 平淡无奇的日子悄然流逝 But now at last we're meeting up 但现在我们终于要相约见面 Reality and visions merging 现实与幻想交织在一起 So my heart is pounding and 所以我的心怦怦直跳 I cannot hold it back 我无法按捺住激动的心情 We promised to meet and hang out 我们答应见面 In that place I've been dreaming 'bout 在我梦寐以求的地方一起闲逛 A day we won't forget is now about to start 让我们永生难忘的日子即将拉开序幕 Opening with a spark 火花开启旅程 Matching dreams I had visions and this day convene 我期待已久的美好日子即将来临 Now I step outside the pace of my routine 现在我脱离平淡乏味的日常步调 And if I take a picture a piece of this scene 如果我拍下照片 记录下这美好的景象 Ah come what may 无论发生什么事 So many smiles on the faces I see 我看见人们脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容 "Let's get on that" someone said and we hopped on a coaster 有人提议说一起去坐云霄飞车 于是我们纵身跳上过山车 The matching headbands we have put on 我们戴上同款发箍 Priceless moments spill out overflow and still accrue 弥足珍贵的时刻满溢而出 美妙的瞬间仍在不断累积 Even the waiting time you know is so dear to me too 甚至连等待的时间也显得格外珍贵 Where should I be heading up to now 现在我应该去哪里呢? I'm walking like I'm on a cloud 我步履轻盈 好似漫步云端 Oh it's almost uncanny 这一切简直不可思议 As I'm noticing how quickly time is passing by 等我回过神来 才发现时间匆匆流逝 And the sun on its way down 夕阳西下 Unveiled a city view 落日余晖点缀着城市风光 Lights are shining on so bright a parade of hues 那光影交织 色彩绚烂的游行 I'll remember forever 我会永远铭记于心 My soul is enthused 我的灵魂洋溢着热情 I'm so very glad I could come here 我非常高兴 我能够来到这里 My heart's deeply moved 我的心深受感动 Matching dreams I had visions and this day convene 我期待已久的美好日子即将来临 I burst out of my everyday same routine 我摆脱我那一成不变的日常生活 And if I take a picture nothing will appear 即使我拍下照片 也无法定格美好的瞬间 Those memories are forevermore waiting here 这些回忆永远在原地等待 Every season to come they revolve on and on 纵使四季流转 美好的回忆不可磨灭 In this very place the smiles we've encountered all 我们在这个地方遇到的所有笑容 Flutter down and accumulate inside my heart 将会轻轻飘落下来 积累在我的内心深处 So when can I see you again the next time around 所以下一次我在什么时候能与你重逢 Step out of my regular day-to-day 远离我按部就班的日常生活 To that eternal stage with all adventures waiting 迈向那无限的舞台 等待我们去探险 My eyes are set on this globe we can see it rotate 我的眼睛注视着这不停旋转的地球仪 And then "hello" we'll say 然后我们会互相问候 A special day is a heartbeat away 特别的日子近在咫尺

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